Meet Sallie

Sallie Lewis is a freelance writer and magazine journalist. She has a Master’s Degree in Writing from Johns Hopkins University.

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As publisher of the D.C. biweekly newspaper The Georgetowner since 1998, I have worked with more than 100 journalists, both staffers and freelancers. Sallie Lewis, who wrote many stories for the paper about Georgetown neighborhood events, as well as several food, health and beauty pieces, was among the most professional and talented. Her reporting was excellent and her writing was always clear and lively. Unlike many writers, she was also capable of adjusting her style to the nature of the piece (news, feature, service). In every way, she was a pleasure to work with. I recommend her highly.

– Sonya Bernhardt, Publisher of Georgetown Media Group
“We reveal ourselves in the metaphors we choose for depicting the cosmos in miniature.” - Stephen Jay Gould